• Question: What is the average temperature inside of an erupting volcano?

    Asked by masseyo to Matt on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Matthew Pankhurst

      Matthew Pankhurst answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      That’s a good question, and something that is hard to measure – because all our measuring equipment melts when we drop them into volcanoes (either on purpose or by accident)! Some lava comes out of volcanoes at more than 1000 degrees, other come out as low(!) as 500 or 600, but usually these cooler ones are very explosive so what they lack in heat they make up in power! There are volcanoes made up of just mud – which are at about 400 degrees or so – they are funny, because they plop and drip – but it wouldn’t be funny if some got on you, so you have to be a bit careful! All these measurements can be made on stuff outside the volcano, so it gives a guide as to how hot the inside is. It’s safe to say the inside is going to be at least as hot as the stuff that comes out.
