• Question: What are the chances that people can get super powers

    Asked by supercookieninja to Claire, Sam on 27 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Claire Lee

      Claire Lee answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      Weeeeellllllll….. I guess as long as those superpowers obey the laws of physics, then I guess there could be a chance. Those pesky laws of physics always ruin our fun!

      Please don’t go about getting yourself bit by radioactive spiders now though!

    • Photo: Sam Geen

      Sam Geen answered on 28 Jun 2013:

      Yes, like Claire says, dangerous radiation is more likely to do random damage to your cells and make you ill or kill you than give you superpowers. It could be possible for humans to fly on other planets with low gravity, but on Earth even if we made wing suits our bodies are too heavy to do anything other than glide from the top of cliffs or mountains.

      That said, supersuits like the ones Iron Man uses are being suggested by the military to help soldiers carry more and be stronger, or to help firemen in burning buildings. So far there are no jetpacks on them – it’s mainly a bit like an extra skeleton with motors on the legs that follow your movement – but it’s early days yet.
