• Question: is the science in movies corect?

    Asked by supercookieninja to Claire, Kate, Matt, Rob, Sam on 24 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Sam Geen

      Sam Geen answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      Usually not! Film directors are usually not scientists, and the public usually doesn’t notice or care if there are problems with the science. Sometimes scientists get annoyed by this, or else they shrug their shoulders and just enjoy the film.

      The science fiction author David Brin has made a list of films that help teach good science: http://www.davidbrin.com/sffilms.html

      And here’s a list of 10 films with good science and 10 films with bad science – http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/digital/fact-vs-fiction/the-10-most-and-least-accurate-sci-fi-movies

    • Photo: Claire Lee

      Claire Lee answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      Not always, unfortunately 🙂

      Some people do a good job of trying to make it correct, though of course they can bend the rules a bit because otherwise it wouldn’t be as fun, or just do something without explaining how it happens.

      What really annoys me though is when something is totally, obviously wrong. Like in Spiderman 2 (can’t stand that one) where they made that star thing. And then all of a sudden it got a magnetic field that started pulling the metal objects towards it – only for some reason the stuff further away was pulled with more force than the stuff closest! Grrrr!

    • Photo: Matthew Pankhurst

      Matthew Pankhurst answered on 25 Jun 2013:

      Ha ha, not normally. Sometimes this just makes the movie more fun – it’s all make believe anyway! I think the difference between technology and science is really blurred in movies. Science-Fiction should mostly be Technology-Fiction I think!
