• Question: do you like any other science topics bar your own

    Asked by eglendinning312 to Claire, Kate, Matt, Rob, Sam on 18 Jun 2013. This question was also asked by hncireland312, sam2299, bethenna.
    • Photo: Kate Husband

      Kate Husband answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Yes. I’m interested in (and read blogs on) volcanoes, medicine and sports medicine (how can I run faster!), brain science… In fact most of New Scientist is pretty interesting.

    • Photo: Sam Geen

      Sam Geen answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      I tend to leave science when I leave work and read other things (I like keeping up with the News, world politics is interesting!) But medical science is super useful, as is renewable energy. If you’re looking for careers, these things will be really good to study.

    • Photo: Matthew Pankhurst

      Matthew Pankhurst answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Yes very much, I’m always annoying my friends who are other types of scientists about what they do! I guess what I really like is how each science topic overlaps and has something in common with the other topics. At the end of the day – we’re all trying to find out about how everything fits together in the universe, but we have to each concentrate on one thing and then team up to see how it fits.

    • Photo: Claire Lee

      Claire Lee answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Oh, lots! I love cosmology (and some astrophysics too), medicine, and brain science – the way people’s brains work and in particular how people learn is really fascinating to me.

    • Photo: Robert Woolfson

      Robert Woolfson answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      Yes. While I’m a chemist, I work in the field of nanotechnology so I have a very strong interest in physics, biology, medicine and electrical engineering as well. I also have very strong amateur interests in the brain and information theory. To be honest, apart from a few areas of physics I’m fascinated by pretty much everything.
