• Question: Do we see, feel or hear something first? For example: an explosion. Do you see the light, hear the bang or feel the vibration first? Why is it that they travel at different speeds?

    Asked by anawesomepersonlol to Sam on 24 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Sam Geen

      Sam Geen answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      First, you see the explosion. Light is the fastest thing in the universe.

      Second, you feel vibrations in the ground. Sound travels faster in solids than gases because the atoms are closer together and can vibrate each other faster.

      Third, you hear the sound and the shockwave in the air, if the shockwave is still strong enough to feel. Sound is air molecules bouncing off each other, and the speed of sound in air is around 700-800 mph, which is roughly a million times slower than the speed of light.
