• Question: Do animals have prostitutes

    Asked by tdmj to Claire, Kate, Matt, Rob, Sam on 25 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Sam Geen

      Sam Geen answered on 25 Jun 2013:

      Wow. I have never thought about this before.

      Animals don’t have money, so trading sex for money isn’t possible. I don’t know if there’s a better answer than this.

      EDIT: So a friend tells me that apparently penguins do – I had no idea! Weird.

    • Photo: Matthew Pankhurst

      Matthew Pankhurst answered on 26 Jun 2013:

      Bonobos are types of chimp that some say engage in prostitution. Sexual activity is rewarded with food, which I guess is pretty much as close as chimps get to money.

    • Photo: Claire Lee

      Claire Lee answered on 28 Jun 2013:

      haha, strange!
